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About Me.


Bill Donovan is an artist is based on Long Island. Bill received his BFA in painting from the University of Massachusetts, his MA and MFA in painting from the University of Iowa, and an MA in Art History and Criticism from Stony Brook University. He was the recipient of the Iowa Arts Fellowship. Bill’s art features abstract and representational images in dense geometric and isometric compositions. Bill has interviewed and written catalog essays and press releases for many prominent contemporary artists, including Eddie Martinez, Amir H. Fallh, and Anoka Faruqee. His writing has appeared in print and on popular art websites. He has exhibited his art nationally and internationally. Recently, a large solo show of his work was featured in the Suffolk and Nassau Memorial Sloan Kettering centers for two years. 


Artist Statement:

My recent work tries to make someone focus and then slip away into their daydreams. I am inspired by the surprising way life structures itself into patterns that take on an interior rhythm. 

©2023 by William Donovan Artist Portfolio. Proudly created with

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